What you would refer to as a “Client,” the portal would recognize as different “Teams.” To add a client to the portal, you must create their own team.
Teams: #
- Users are grouped into Teams and can be managed through the Teams Menu (or the “Manage Teams & Users” button.
2. Teams usually represent one company, or similar group of related users such as individual sales or staff use.
Note: Adding custom content or running user reports is done on a per-team basis.
3. To add a new Team, click Create New. The Create New Team screen appears. When complete, click Save. The new Team will appear in your Teams Panel.
The Team Name can be anything which is not already used in the system (including other MSP accounts).
The Team Management Username is ONLY used if you want to allow someone to login and manage the Team’s users specifically. This is no longer needed except in rare cases since resellers can manage users from their portal, and users who have been promoted to Team Leader status can access the Team Management Console from their user login. *
*This is commonly used to allow a manager at a client organization the ability to add/remove/change their own users. (see below.)
Adding Users: #
Remember: You must purchase user licenses for the team (or be under a MSP reseller subscription) before you can add users.
You can Add Users from two places – the Team Management Portal, or your Reseller Portal. We will discuss the Team Management Portal in detail on page 8.
- The simple way to add a user is the “Add Members” icon.
2. When you click “Add Members,” you’ll see the Add Member screen. Enter the user’s information. (First name, Last name, Email, Username, and Password are required, and Username must be unique in the system.)
Note: You can set an expiration date for the user account with the “Login Expires on” field. This is useful if you sell someone a 1-year subscription or similar. On the expiration date, the user will lose access to the classroom until you edit their information to delete or change the expiration date. (Expired users still count against your user limit.)
Special Note: The “Upload Members” button in the top right corner can be used to upload a CSV file with multiple users.
If there are any errors, a message will display. Otherwise, you will be returned to the Teams page.
3. To edit or remove existing users, or to adjust Team settings click the “Manage Team” icon to enter the Team Management screen. Choose “Continue” on the next screen to enter the Team Management Portal.
Note: The “Manage Team” button will allow you to access co-branding materials.