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Course Builder

1 min read

In addition to the Bigger Brains library of courses, you can create and add custom courses for you team via CourseBuilder. Select CourseBuilder to access your list of custom courses and create new courses.

Create New Course #

To create a new course, select +Create New Course.

Here you can add the Course Name and choose an Image to represent the course. You also have the option to add a course Description.

On the Course Creation page, there are several input fields:

  • Course Image
  • Course Name
  • Description (this field can use Rich Text including images and links to outside websites or documents)
  • Public (if checked this course is available to all users, if not checked it’s only available when it’s assigned by a Team Leader)
  • Shareable (if checked it enables the sharing links for each lesson)
  • Digital Signature (if checked, this field will ask to choose pre- or post-course, and it will prompt users to “sign” their name after reading text. Digital signatures also record users’ IP addresses and timestamps.)

BrainStationLMS will respond with “Course added successfully!” Click OK to refresh the page.

Add Modules to a Custom Course #

When the page refreshes, you will have the option to Add Modules, or sections, for your course. This can be done by selecting Add New Module.

Enter a Module Name and select the module type for the file you are uploading.

Choose File to upload to the module and click Add Module.

Note: .mp4 files have a limit of 100MB. To upload a video larger than that, we recommend hosting the video as an unlisted YouTube or Vimeo video. From there, use the Website option to upload the link.

There are currently 12 types of modules these include:

  • PDF
  • PowerPoint
  • Single Question (multiple choice question setup inside the course)
  • Question Pool (choose from an existing question pool, and choose how many questions from that pool will be displayed and whether they’re randomized)
  • Website (URL)
  • Word Document
  • Video (MP4, Upload direct to BrainStation, up to 100MB)
  • HTML
  • Vimeo
  • YouTube (Vimeo and YouTube are better choices for larger videos)
  • Section Break – This breaks courses into sections and is used to add text, images, and links without an actual module.
  • iFrame

BrainStationLMS will respond with “Module added successfully!” Click Ok.

Now you will see your newly added module. You can always go back and Edit or Delete modules you include in your custom course. To add another module, choose Add New Module and repeat the process.

When finished, click Done.

View, Edit, or Delete a Course #

From the Manage Custom Courses page, you can choose to View, Edit (including new modules) or Delete any Custom Course.